Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Step Up Your Outlook Experience with Add-ins

Microsoft allows users to enhance their Outlook experience by integrating Add-ins for increased productivity and functionality.

In order to use an add-in, you must first sign in to the Outlook Web App.

This can be accomplished by going to https://webmail.uhd.edu and then logging in with the correct UHD username and password.

Once logged in, Add-ins can be accessed by clicking the gear on the right side of the user's name and then selecting Manage apps.  

From there, various add-ins can be installed from the Office Store, from a URL, or from a downloaded file.

From the Office Store, a user can install all sorts of add-ins which allow features such as sending Starbucks gift cards, saving messages to Evernote, scheduling emails, tracking packages, and more.

A word of caution:  It is wise to limit the number of add-ons that are installed in order to avoid possible crashes of the application or slowing it down tremendously.