Thursday, October 2, 2014

NEW Access Log for Tests

Instructors can view a test attempt's Access Log for a list of times of various student interactions with the test. The log can help to confirm whether a student began a test or ran into problems during a test.

The Access Log shows a detailed list of every interaction a student had with the test for that attempt. The log shows the time the test was started, when each question was saved, and when it was submitted.
An unusual gap in activity might be
interpreted as a connectivity problem if the student claims to have had one. However, the system cannot determine what caused the time gap—it can only show that it occurred. 

Be aware that the time spent on a  question may include time that the student spent looking at other questions before saving that answer.

Visit the TTLC Training page for step-by-step instructions for retrieving info from the access log:
Determining Test Interaction Using the Access Log

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