Monday, March 5, 2012

Provide Mail in Main Menu (and Other Tools)

The “Messages” tool is used to communicate internally within a Blackboard course.  You can add this tool, and others, in the main menu by following these steps:

1. Inside your course, make sure edit mode is ON.

2. Click the blue plus at the top left, and select Create Tool Link.
Click image to enlarge

3. Type the name of the tool you wish to be displayed to the students in the left menu. For example, “Course Email.”

4. From the drop-down menu, select Messages.
Click image to enlarge

5. Place a checkmark beside Available to Users.

6. Click Submit.

Now you should have a main menu link to the messages tool.

Follow the same steps for any other tool you wish to add to the main menu, including common tools such as:
- Student Grades
- Announcements
- Calendar

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