Monday, March 5, 2012

Set Grades as Running Totals

Making any calculated column set as "running total" will give students a more accurate grade because it includes only the assignments/quizzes that have been graded. If you were not to have this Running Total column available, the final grade column will calculate zeroes for columns that have not yet been graded. This can make grades appear artificially low.

In the Grade Center, you can create Calculated Columns, which can be used to do the following:

  • Calculate the total points of other columns.
  • Weight grades by column, category, or both.
  • Calculate the average grade.
  • Calculate a minimum or maximum grade.

Make a Calculated Column Set as a Running Total
1. At the bottom left in the control panel, click Grade Center and select Full Grade Center.

2. Either create a new calculated column by clicking the Create Calculated Column button, or click the drop-down arrow of an already present calculated column and select Edit Column Information.

3. Scroll down to the Select Columns section, and select the Yes radio button next to Calculate as Running Total.
Click image to enlarge

5. Scroll down and click the Submit button.

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